Final Presentation: Team 7

Team 7: Jilong Xie, Lingxuan Yu, Yibo Dai, Yiming Cai, Yitong Liu, Zihan Zhang

Lingxuan Yu:


Contest: Individual is little difficult. Team is little hard but I learned a lot. Speed is little bit easy, so I like it.
Talent Show: It was too long so it makes me sleepy and it was boring.

Yiming Cai:


Food & Dorms
The food was very delicious, my favorite food was the hamburger. My favorite drink was pepsi. The Dining hall was very cold, and big. I liked my room, but it was very cold. The bathroom was very stinky.

Yitong Liu:

Jilong Xie:


Friends & Teammates
Friend without group:
Zhuohong Su is my best friend of this American's trip. He's the shortest. I'm glad to meet him. I ate meals with him and play the games with him. In my group, we study together and hung out and play the game - zip zap zup together. We also chat together. I even got shawn and Yiming's Wechat. Another friend I have made is Huang Yi. I played game with him. And sometimes I play that we're pushing together. And he always. I always beat him. I go to New York with him.
In my team, we study, play, travel and laugh together. I have good time in my group because in my group everyone is kind, nice and shine. I'm very enjoy them. This is the best group I've ever been. The people in this group are much better than some of my friends. Because some friends just asked that how you have been but no real action was made to prove that he cared about me. I feel the real friendship. I'm happy about that.

Yibo Dai:


Field Trip
The field trip is so much fun! I learned many things in the museum. We visited the Great heart, my brain, the mirror maze, the changing Earth. the electronic and Franklin's airshow and the IMAX. In the Great heart, I visited our heart, it's amazing! And in my brain, I knew a lot of interesting things about our brain, such as how it spreads the messages, how it looks like and so on.
The mirror maze it's so great! There's many fascinated things about maths in there. I had a fun time there. Also, I learned the golden ratio, the ratio betweens our arms, hands and height. This is my favorite place.
The changing Earth told me many things about our beautiful Earth. It told me that we need to protect the Earth, or we lost it. In the electronic, there's many interesting experiments. I had a lot of fun. In the Franklin's airshow, I controled a plane. It's so excited that I don't want to try it again. The IMAX is so good! We watched the extreme weather. All these happened because we are destroying the Earth. If we don't protect it, there will be more tornados, less glacier. It's so bad. We need to work now.
The only thing regretted is I didn't buy anything because the time's up. But it's still fun. I loved this field trip. Thank you for giving us the chance to learn many things. I really had a good time.

Zihan Zhang:


During the time, we learned so many interesting lectures. They were about different branches of maths. They were also five kind and interesting teachers that talked about math with us.
My favorite one was about numbers. The teacher Dave at that lecture was a very famous, kind, and interesting person. He walked around the tables first. And then found many volunteers to joined some interesting games. I was so lucky to be one of the volunteers. The teacher let me to wrote 9 letters in a 9 letter box and at last we found a way to find prime numbers.
These lectures were all so interesting and great. I wanted to join it again!