Final Presentation: Team 8

Team 8: Binxi Zhao, Hongge Chang, Linfeng Li, Qingtao Deng, Yuhan Yan

Hongge Chang:

Hi everybody, it is a pleasure to be here. My name is Hongge Chang but my English name is Frank. I am from Harbin, China. I am very happy to see you all today.
I would like to talk about the food during the camp.
My favorite food was the Chinese noodles and meat. I liked the noodles because they were delicious and long. They remind me of food back at home in China. I liked the meat because they make me powerful!
I did not like to eat salad because I think it is too fresh and it has too much salad dressing.
I always eat noodles at home, but the noodles at home are not the same as the noodles here.
I use chopsticks at home in China but here I could only use spoons, forks, and knives. I could not completely adapt so I hope I can use chopsticks again.
I am studying in Shifanfuxiao School. I will be starting middle school this September and my hobbies are reading, figure skating, writing, and math.
If anyone has the same hobby as me, let me know! We can talk about it for hours.
Thank you for listening!

Yuhan Yan:

Hello, my name is Lily Yan. Nice to meet you all!
This summer camp is very wonderful and the team tournaments make me understand the power of friendship.
The first day I came to New Jersey, we had the team tournament. There were 12 questions and our team divided into groups of 3. Each group answered 4 questions. Then everyone gave all their efforts to finish the questions. We checked the answers together. If somebody was wrong, we did not blame him or her. Instead, we helped that teammate. That means we are very unified and together.
Next, we had the relay tournament. Five of us were in a group. The questions went from easy to difficult. It surprised me that many people in our group wanted to fix the answer for the most difficult question. We supported each other when someone seemed to have trouble. We all really wanted to be better. Although the final score was not very good, we all did our best. We do not regret anything.
I personally liked the team round because the individual round was extremely difficult and I could not answer more questions on my own.
I also admired my roommate because she is so wonderful. So I am going to work hard because I am inspired by her. This tournament made me realize I am not the best so I will practice everyday and challenge myself.

Qingtao Deng:

Hello, everyone. My name is Thomas. My Chinese name is Deng Qingtao. I would like to talk about the difference between China and U.S.
It is really strange that we can drink water from the restroom in the U.S. In China, we cannot drink the water from the restroom. We have to drink water that is boiled.
In addition, American history is much shorter than Chinese history, but the historic sites in America is just as fascinating.
It is very strange that a lot of things you can buy in the U.S. is made in China. But in China, you cannot buy a lot of things made in the U.S.
There is another difference, which regards to math. China’s math is really boring with a lot of formulas. You must recite a lot of math in China and it is really difficult. But in the U.S., you must think about the question without as much formulas. You also need to know what approach to take to solve the problem. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my opinions and the things I learned about the difference between China and U.S.

Linfeng Li:

Hello, everyone! My name is Vincent. My Chinese name is Li Linfeng. I am so glad to be here.
Today, I am going to talk about the field trip we went on yesterday to Franklin Institute. I think it is a good program that the Math League included because it is my first time to the U.S. I came to America with a very curious mind. I have been to New York and New Jersey but I haven’t been to Pennsylvania so I’m so excited to visit a new state. Thank you for letting me know a wonderful city and a beautiful museum called Franklin Institute. I really gained a lot of knowledge and I had a wonderful trip. It was a great first museum experience in America. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
My favourite part of the museum was the movie. The movie told us a lot about the weather on Earth. The screen was really big so the movie seemed very realistic. It was a great IMAX experience. My friends told me that they also enjoyed the movie.
Everything else in the museum was also interesting, like the Mirror Maze, the brain exhibition, and the big statue of Benjamin Franklin. The statue was really beautiful. Thank you for listening and allowing me to speak to you!

Binxi Zhao:

Hello everyone, my name is Binxi Zhao. It is a pleasure to meet you all. My topic for today’s presentation is about the dorms. I have three things to say about the dorms: the cold air, the lack of WiFi, and the water.
On the first day when I saw the rooms, I realized I had to put the bedsheet on the mattress by myself. But the room had everything I need so I thought it was very nice. During the night, however, I found out that the whole building was very, very cold. I was not able to sleep well because of the cold. It was especially cold that night because no one else in the building have yet to come to camp. The next day, I opened the window to let the warm air come in my room, and the counselor in my building gave me another blanket. Thanks to the building counselor, I was able to sleep better that night.
I found that the dorms did not have WiFi. I could only contact my parents in the dining hall and where we had class, so it was inconvenient.
Since I came from China, I was not sure if I could drink the water from the bathroom sink. So even when I was thirsty in the rooms, I could not drink water. The teacher told me it was okay to drink the water, but I could only bring myself to drink a little. So I drank lots and lots of water whenever we went to the dining hall. That is all I have to say. Thank you for listening.