Final Presentation: Team 7

Team 7: Jack Junshi He, Jiachen Lu, Mingxuan Liu, Ruilin Zheng, Xiaoyi Ma, Zhixu Zhang

Ruilin Zheng:


Hello every one, I am Vicky. I came here to talk about Friend & dorm.
At first, I was very shy to make friend and to talk the group members, but after three to four days. I already familiar with them! And then, the American students came. They are very warmth! Everyone is funny, smart and acuity. We did 4 competitions and had lectures together. And our cancers betty Emmea and Lorrain make as to be a group but unlucky, we didn't see and wake us up. At morning, betty's now, we're gonna say goodbye to them. Just want to say I love this team! Here's the picture of our team.
Just remember in the fifth day, we had a talent show. We are very happy to see that. And we are excited to listen Stanford's song, it was also me, and we are very excited to shout Stanford and this is the video of that show.
And here is my friend & roommate. We play with each other. Well, talk about roommate. How did you have a good time with your roommates? And guys wants to Say?
1. No one?
2. "Came"
Okay, now anyone wants to say something about room?
For me, I think the room is big for 2 people and warm. Actually is a little bit cold. Any way the room is very clean will. At first, but then, for 3 days. Anyway, I love my friend college and this competition!

Jack Junshi He:


The food was definitely not the highlight during the camp. First of all, only half of the stuff tasted fresh. The rice was undercooked, the broccoli was bland and also slightly undercooked. The pizza had humongous casts, and some of the targets were dry. The selection of drinks were acceptable but I really wish they could add crush and grape flavored fanta to it. However, the salad law was nice and the veggies were probably flesh, I really liked that there were croutons and there wasn't a long line. I wish the salad bas inc add celery and dried cranberry though. Also, the street grill had amazing grilled cheeses. Grilled cheeses are easy and delicious, I got one whenever it was available. The wimpy toast paired with the soft and gooey cheese. About how simplicity could be so beautiful. You can't say much about the fries, because you can't possibly make bad fries. Overall, the food in the cafeteria was worse than I expected but after a few days I got used to it.

Individual Round
The Individual Round occurred on the second day and I thought it was challenging but fun. You feel accomplished when you get a question correct. There was a time limit, so it added more pressure on us. There was no promise if you'd get a question light or not. I feel like I could've done better on the Individual Round, and many others probably feel that way but it felt great after I was done. Also, our counselors were very interactive with us by showing music indies before competing to relieve stress.
Team Round
This was our first round and before this I had absolutely experience of this kind of math competition before this. The team cooperated but the chemistry wasn't the best because the North Americans just arrived and we weren't communicating a lot. However, we did fine and got a decent final score.
Speed Round
The questions in the speed round was much easier than the individual round, but we only had 45 sec. To complete every question and everybody just skipped the hard questions and did as many questions as they can. Sadly, I had to go to the restroom in the middle of the test. The Speed Round tests your time management and ability to adapt into a fast-paced environment. It forces you out of your comfort zone and you never know what's gonna happen.
Relay Round
The relay round was the last round and this competition proves math isn't just about the individual, but also the trust and chemistry between one another. I think Math League was smart to schedule the Relay Round at the end, because we first got to socialize and got to know everyone's math skills in the Team Round. We really started to bond and befriend each other in the next two rounds, which caused us to be better prepared as we have gained trust and were able to forgive each other in the Relay Round.
The competition took three days, but it felt like three minutes. Time flew in the process and it was a truly unforgettable memory. Competition isn't just testing your ability, it also helps you socialize and be comfortable around each other. And in my opinion, that matters as much as the competition itself.

Mingxuan Liu:


Hello my name is Nick!
First we went to the Franklin Institute which is a science museum in another state. We went to the mirror maze. It was confused to walk through at first, but it was not hard. We were able to finish the maze. I was able to find the exit of the maze alone. I even saw the big heart which I thought was funny. I also saw the blood model. The red blood cell is the red cup of the medicine bottle and the white blood cell is the white cup of the medicine bottle, which I think is very interesting. I saw the golden ratio which apples to many objects such as papers and the human. The ratio is almost the same every time. You can see it through multiple triangles which I love to draw now. I saw two different films at the Imax Theater The first film was about the life of an astronaut in space. The second film was about the ocean and I liked this one better. I liked this one better because it showed the "sea slug" which is a very different type of animal. It is a flat shaped animal. It looked like a paper and has many different colors on it. I bought a star map and a fridge magnet about the elements. I think it is meaningful. This is a picture of what it looks like under the ocean, it's very colorful ¢ pretty.
The trip to Princeton University was interesting because we learned about the schools historical background, the school was founded in 1746, meaning the school is over 300 years old! I think it is so old! I thought all the building looked very nice. I liked the trees too because they clean the air for us. And there are a lot of sculptures that were very delicate. I bought six post cards and two fridge stickers, all about Princeton University. Although I want to study at Princeton University, I can't go to school there because of the language. My leg hurt while I was walking. The weather was so hot so it made tired and my backpack was heavy.
Thank you for listening! This is my part of the speech. Let's we welcome Jason to speaking.

Jiachen Lu:


May be I forgot some of them, because I wasn't always pay attention to the lectures and sometime I was just sleeping.
Hello, my name is Jason form Team 7 and I'm going to introduce the lectures we had these days. The first day, we had three lectures, the first lecture was about have to make a code by professor Steffen Marcus. And we had an activity about password cracking and of course, our team got the first price. After that, we had a lecture about how to enter a university and I think that is very helpful but boring. Then we had a lecture about the knot. Theory by professor Paul Ellis. Chris volunteered to play with the knot but he failed to unsnarl the knob but that's all right because that was impossible and Mr. Ellis proved it later. After the first days, the lectures became very boring, but it doesn't mean they are useless. So I was sleeping during the lectures which were boring and I'm going to introduce some interesting lectures now. One of them is the four 4s'. During that lecture, we had a competition about how to use for 4s' to calculate the numbers from one to one hundred. But we needed to build a group of 5 and Jack volunteered to moved so that wasn't our fault. Chris and Vicky and I were going to the number from sixty to one hundred and Shelly and Mick were going to do the others. And our strategy is to solve the even numbers first and then the odd numbers. So as soon as we had solved a number, we would got other numbers which could be solved by just change a sign. And we didn't care about whether it was a individual question or not because that would make our team more united. At last Chris and Shelly got the individual price. Actually my answer was as same as Chris's, but I didn't know why I couldn't get the price. Maybe the professor was jealous of one or my team and he wanted to proved us. Another lecture was about the marriage. Actually I wasn't very interested in this topic, but I just want to give a very simple solution of all these questions. I had proved it during the class. So I suppose there are n boys and m girls. The numbers of boys are (1, 2, 3, ..., n) and the numbers of girls are (a, b, c, ...). So the answer is 1 and 2, a and b, 3 and 4, c and .... Because I think the people who have the same sex until become the best friends. The last interesting lecture is the loopy polyhedral. It was the last lecture we had with the foreigners and they did a good job although we didn't finish the last polyhedral. But we finished the first polyhedral very quickly because we had a person who had build a lot of icosahedron before. So we just showed off what we had done. This lecture was different from most lectures because the speaker brought supplies for us to build polyhedral and most of the lectures. I just listened and I wasn't allowed to get up and work with other students. That's why I always feel sleepy.