Final Presentation: Group 1

Group 1: Jiarong Li, Tianyu Zhang, Jiayi Li, Qianxu Guo

Jiarong Li:


Person 1: Zedd
My name is Zedd and I own this house called Z-house just for rent. Recently, my clients are getting fewer and fewer. Furthermore, my most important two staffs seem to have some arguments among themselves. Alice said Bob would steal my key and own my house! That can’t be true, really. Alice is really cunning indeed, but Bob’s just a steady boy who’s kind of dull.
It’s not April Fool’s Day today.

Person 2: Cindy the client
This hotel is just terrible! Last night I had 5 oysters here, for nearly $100, and today they are all gone!!! As I was organizing my room, one of the staffs called me and ask me to leave.
That’s just ridiculous!

Person 3: Dasney
I’m one of the most ignored and disliked staff, but Alice is my sunshine. It seems like, they are getting stronger and stronger, because everyone is in it expect Alice and I. But I am not afraid because she’s like my sister. I love her very much.
Yesterday at night she was worried, when I asked her for the reason, she shook her head and told me to warn the clients. DON’T YOU STAY IN THIS HOTEL!!! IT IS VERY DANGEROUS!
Later, Ed asked me why I let her go, I told him immediately and he ran away to take a phone call. For no reason, I felt a pang of shame.

Person 4: Ed
That doesn’t make sense if a female traveller is leaving at night… Oh! No!

Person 5: Fredrick
Terrible! Did they uncover us?
Didn’t they?
Alice is cunning indeed… In Zedd’s words.
So, we have a lot of friends. Ed is just one side of it…
Bob is on the other side…

Person 6: Bob
I’m the smartest guy ever in the world. Ha! I’m just a genius with concealing! They never know how smart I am! I’m just pretending to be foolish!
Tonight I’ll have my life changed. They just phoned me and they said they’d just like the key but nothing else. I’ll have $100 for it. I’ll be rich tomorrow!
They told me that the rentor of it is a strong female traveller… They also told me to take a weapon or something with me… Who cares?

Person 7: Alice
Dasney is a lovely girl but she’s kind of foolish. I reckon, my discovery of this upcoming awful crime is uncovered by the criminals-to-be.
I’ll advise her to leave with me tonight, but if she isn’t leaving, I have no other ways. I phoned Zedd just now, but he was suspicious.
Where is our trust?
I’m packing right now, and I’m leaving in it minutes. I get to be quick.
Before I get killed.