Final Presentation: Group 11

Group 11: Haomeng Lu, Haoyang Liu, Zehao Wang, Yihan Guo

Haomeng Lu:


Hi, boys and girls! I’m Haomeng Lu, Daniel and I’m glad to join the Math League. On 30th July. I visited a famous college: Princeton. I’m surprised to find the beauty and the magic about this wonderful kingdom.
First, I was excited about the style of this college. Everything is old and full of magic. Among a lot of tall, green trees are those buildings with centuries style. The brown bricks bright windows, long corridors are very different from China and it’s very unique and nice.
Second, I was surprised about the long history in this college. Look at these pictures I took. This is Nassa Hall. It’s used to be the capital of the whole America. This is the Firestone Library, it’s the biggest open library in the world. The church is also a place long history. Princeton is also a born place of American football.
Finally, I was glad to find a lot of famous people in Princeton. This is John, a headmaster of Princeton Witherspan. And he signed the Declaration of Independence.
Finstein, the greatest scientist in humans history. I visited his house, and felt the creatical powerful from this man.
I also visited the Princeton Museum, and I exactly met a bad storm. I went back safely. It’s also a great experience in my life. Thank you very much!

Haoyang Liu:


Hello, my name is Haoyang Liu. The thing that mostly. Impress me these activities.
On first day, we played a game, it is very interesting. But I’m lose. On second day, we saw a funny movie “Back to the future”. And we had many activities like magic talent show and played counter. In China, I never have this thing. I like the movie best.
In Math League, the test is different from China. Some test we can talk with others, but in China we can’t. I think it is funny, but in China is boring. Thank you!

Zehao Wang:


Hi, everyone
1. I’m glad to stand here, and tell you things, my experience during this wonderful math league campus.
2. What we did LEARN
During the time in TCNJ, we learnt wide, complex, math knowledge so many fields of maths, which I haven’t seen before mostly. I was shocked when I first read the schedule – more than ten lectures in the first.
For example during the lecture of Rigid Space graph, we learnt in a way that loved.
-we built the graphs
On our own hand!
The lecture combinatorial Games let us not only learnt, but also have fun playing with counter. It really made all those complicated things like algebra graphs attracting.

Hi, everyone, I’m Zehao Wang. I am glad to be here and tell you my experience during this wonderful Math League campus. I want to talk about the different ways of learning in America.

Yihan Guo:

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m glad to be true to tell you something about eating in American. Before coming abroad, eating western food is luxurious for most of us. The nice taste of food gave us a good impression. But after eating many meals at the TCNJ, I realized what is real western food. I really enjoyed eating food at TCNJ, western food for its great taste and excellent quality.
For breakfast, I believe that western food is better than Chinese. The biggest difference between them is that there’s always meat in western’s but few in Chinese. The tomatoes in western breakfast are also good.
For lunch and dinner, I think each has its own merits, the juice, hamburger and chips are really good, but rice is better than tsata. And also some beans with sause taste strange and look strange, too. Once I tried some pasta with some white sause, that taste, you known I am still wondering how I spent that noon.
After coming to America, I learnt more about western food are and found what real western food. That’s really amazing. Thank you!