Final Presentation: Group 12

Group 12: Danhao Zhang, Yuefeng Xu, Yushuo Zhou, Pengda Liu

Danhao Zhang:


Hello, everyone! My name is Zhang Danhao. 8 days has passed since I came to the United States! Time past too fast and the camping is about to finish. But even so, I have enlarged my knowledge and learned a lot. I have confidence in the competition, that’s why I won a silver medal and got good grades in the team round. In the individual round, I tried my best to solve all the problems and I succeeded. I also found my strong points and weak points. In the relay round, I learned everyone in the team is very important and I learned not to complain about others. In the team round, I learned that team is the best. As the old saying goes: Unity is strength. In class I found that there are a lot of differences between the American education and Chinese education. I think the former is more interesting and much easier. So I have learned a lot. On the other hand, we played a lot. We went to Princeton on Saturday. As we were returning, it rained so heavily that all the students are hiding under the umbrellas. While few people noticed the teachers taking care of the students. I deeply felt the teachers courage and selfless spirit. By the way, we had a lot of lectures these days. During the lecture by Dr. Ding, I understood the development of medical science. During another Dr. Ding’s lecture, I learned how to face my life. The camp will benefit me for my whole. Life, I love the United States very much. This place is so fantastic. If I have enough time in the future, I might come back to visit the United States again. That’s all. Thanks a lot.

Yuefeng Xu:


Hello, everyone. My name is Yuefeng Xu, from Shenyang. I came here, The United States of America with an exciting heart and full of enthusiasm.
Went to the United States of America to talk English with teachers, students, and attent the competition promote the development of our English, to stimulate our strong interest of learning English. Moreover, Remember one time, at the team round, we have an very difficult question. After hours of hard team work, finally, everybody solved the problem. The competition fully exercise the quality of our math and teamwork. Although I am not very good at math, but this competition gave me the confidence learn math. The lively speeches of the professors about reading and medicine, math is also very useful to help me to on the long road to success in school. Expect of learn in the school, we also went to some beautiful places. During the tournament, we went to Princeton and the Art Museum, the home of Ainslie. Through visited the college and museum, we greatly cultivate our understanding. Of the US, let me learnt a lot and feel the pretty view of America.
The deepest memory of the camp, is not the wonderful sightseeing of Princeton. Is not the editing text of math. It is the rain when we went back. Teachers and students walked together. Though everyone get wet, but the unforgettable trips forever hid in my heart.
Actually I said so much, I just want to represent me and my team to say. Thank you the TCNJ. Thank you Math League Summer Tournament. You let me remember a lot of thing valuable in children perhaps.
Thanks everybody!

Hello everyone, my name is Yuefeng Xu. I have been America for some Days. The Deepest memory of the camp. It the experience feel the exotic culture, broaden the field of vision. During the Math League Summer Tournament, we visit Princeton and the Art Museum. Through the four of foreign cultural museum, we greatly cultivate our understanding of foreign culture, let me learn a lot, a feel the pretty view of the America went to the United States, to talk English with teachers and students exchange and compete, promote the development of our English, to stimulate our strong interest in learning English. The competition fully exercise the quality of our math and team work. Although I am not very good at math, but this com gave me the confidence to learn mathematics, the speech of professors is also a useful help to me lively the long road to school. Actually said so much, I want to say Thank you TNCJ, Thank you Math League Summer Tournament. You taught me so much, I will never forget.

Yushuo Zhou:

Hello everyone, I’m Zhou Yushuo, a grade 7 student from Shanghai, China. It’s a great honor today to stand here and share my feelings about this unforgettable trip to the United States.
At the beginning of this year, I had a chance to take this competition of Math League. I successfully passed through the preliminaries and semi-finals. However, when I was told that I can go here this summer, my mind was full of consideration. It would be the first time for me leaving my family and going abroad alone, and that meant the trip could be hard. But eventually, with the supports of my family and teachers, I started the trip with all the other friends, to understand the culture and education of America, and to improve myself to another level.
24th of July was the first day of the summer camp, I had to face everything I didn’t familiar with, and all on my time schedule was math lessons. Thinking of spending the rest days here made me worried a lot. In class, the world-famous professors gave lessons to us, but I barely understood nothing. The technical terms confused me all the time, I had to look up all the word after class. When the first day went to end, I was down to the extreme. However, my family told me to cheer up and get together, they told me that an old saying in China said ‘Constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle.’ That I could achieve my goals by hardworking.
Eventually, at the group finals, my mates of group Gray and I got the gold medal of the Grade 6-7. Personally, I got the award for superior achievement. My efforts were rewarded, which made me very excited. On the following days, I was totally into the world of Math. The teaching style of professors here is always active and full of fun, brings the boring knowledge into life. And I have to say all the surroundings are so adorable, the campus is full of green and fresh air, the dorm is neat and clean and the teachers and staff are all conscientious and caring. That helps a lot, I really appreciate that. Today, I feel that the time past so fast that in a sudden the camping is about to end. I really have no will to leave here. But I believe that what learn here will influence my life of mathematics learning. I understand a truth here, that language is not a barrier, mathematics has no boundaries of countries and regions.
I want to thank all the professors, staff, parents and friends again with my true heart. I will always be grateful to you for these unforgettable days, which makes me happy and grow up a lot. Thank you.

Pengda Liu:

Good night, everybody. My name is Pengda. I’m from Shanghai.
I would like to share my experience of this year's Math league with you all.
First, I think the accomodation is very good this year.
All of the Chinese students share the room with American students, so that we have a lot of chance to talk with someone from another country.
For example, I asked my roommate about things in America, and practice my oral English by the way. I also make friend with him.
In chatting with my roommate, I found that we have a common hobby, that is watching anime.
Secondly, I want to talk about the team round and relay round.
I think these are the most interesting parts of all the matches.
I like these parts most, because these parts not only test the level of each of us, but also test our understanding with each other and our teamwork.
In the relay round, we are asked to use the answer of last question as the information in this question. I was very touched that, even someone made mistakes, nobody complained him or her.
Nobody said “look at what you did” or “it’s all your fault.”
We treat friendly to each other and holds together during the match.
I am very happy to be in such a team.
Thirdly, I was also interested in the lectures.
What impressed me most is the lecture of "Fibonacci sequence". I was very surprised to know that there is a close connection between Math and the nature.
For example, the shape of the shell’s is from the Fibonacci numbers. That's amazing!
At last, I want to thank all the teachers, counselors, and staff in math league.
I enjoy these 2 weeks very much and I will never forget it.
Thank you.