Final Presentation: Group 15

Group 15: Wenhao Liu, Yijun Jiang, Xingyu Liu, Yuzhou Qin

Wenhao Liu:


Hello, everybody. My name is Wenhao Liu.
This is my first travel to America and it also is my first time to participate in the summer camp.
Though I am not got individual award, I learn much knowledge about math and many other things such as how to belend in the collective.
The teachers and learning style in America are all different form China. Teacher in China also like clever student, but they thing don’t ask questions of student are smart student. In America, teacher allows students to ask questions and they like to answer. Before I go to the summer camp, I just think it was very boring, strict and have not fun. But while I am in the camp, I think it was funny and interesting.
To go to America and learn with you is my honour. I wish I can do better job next time. Thank you for you listening.

Yijun Jiang:


Hello everyone, my name is Yijun Jiang. Today we will talk about the last speech. I will talk about the math. Although I lost the individual competition, I know a important reason which is no pain, no gain. Before the competition, I didn’t walk hard, so I lost the competition. In team competition, I know that a chopstick is easy to fold, but difficult to break a bundle of chopsticks. In my group, we helped each other, so we won the competition. China and the United States have many differences between education. For example I can’t talk in Chinese classes at all, but sometimes American teachers allow us to talk to each other. On the classes I know that we don’t heed to finish as many questions as possible, but we need to know many ways to solve the problem. Thanks for your listening.

Yuzhou Qin:

Hello, everybody. My name is Yuzhou Qin.
Before I come here, I talked to my mother. I asked her:”Why do you want me go to the Math League. I’m not good at English?”
And my mother answered me:”I only want to you to learn about the education about American.”
So today, I want to talk about the difference of education between American and Chinese.
First, we are going to talk about the education method of American. The education method of American is to start class in some easy questions, and let students launch the truth along.
Do you remember the lecture of binary system. The teacher let us play 3 games about counters. And then let us to launch the truch along. I think it is good for student to remain and study.
I think the education about American is very good and excellent.