Final Presentation: Tan 队

Tan 队:胡沧海,时长乐,钦晨,干鸿坤,郭嘉德,吴伟铭,薛午辰,张欣奕,龚炫宇,张梓蕙

Canghai Hu:


I think the speed round was the best in the competitions, because it was the one I thought I was going to make mistakes the most. But, I nailed it! And I don't like the relay round cause our group couldn't even finish one.
About the speeches, I liked the mountain climbing one the most, because I think it trained our way of thinking. I didn't really like the Rubix Cube one cause I couldn't listen to what he was talking about. I liked the dorm very much, it's just it was too cold.
I loved the food here, especially the Ginger Ale. I also loved both of my counselor, especially senor Juan.
The biggest difference of US and China is that the air is much better in US than China.
Finally, I think this camp is and was great.

Changle Shi:


1. I like the Relays round, because it can let one learn very much.
2. I like Rubix Cubes, because it is interesting and useful.
3. Yes, I do.
4. Yes, I do.
5. The different from China and America is American food is delicious, I think Chinese food is not very good.
Hello, I'm Ben. Today I will talk about our movies night. The movie is funny. It is mainly the retirement of the secret agent the from the river. It made me understand ever though (know) you are powerful, you have to work hard to succeed. We also have some delicious food during the movie like popcorn and tea. They are really delicious. I think this movie night is the best night in this summer camp. Thank you.

Chen Qin:


Hello everybody, my name is marco, Chen Qin, I'm going to talk about the food here. America food has lots of fat, like cheese, ham, chicken ...... Chinese food has meat & vegetables, it has delicious, if it don't take to much oils and salt.
The where we sleep is excellent, it is cool, is warm when we slept, the bed is soft.
Our teacher Juan is funny and kind, we loved him.
The food is great, they have my favorite drinks.
I loved the Relays round. Because it fun it need. The answer of the people ahede.
I like Rubix Cube, because it wonderful. It tell us how to solve the Rubix's cube.
The different of China and America is America things 80% is made in China. America's water in we can brolriuk!

Hongkun Gan:


I like the summer guest very much, it's the first time I live with my good friends, and I like to go for a field trip. I like the cat lesson because it's interesting. It's really fun. Although I didn't won the prize, but it's hard to forget all the things about this week. But there is one thing I don't like is about the food. I want some water but there's only pepsi and milk. But I still like this trip. I live in China. But I like America. There's lots of wild animals here, I like the teacher, there are kind and funny. Thank you!

Zihui Zhang:


Favorite: The food, drink (They are great yummy.)
Least favorite: counselor (some counselor just took some one thing or even use it without telling them!)
Yes, it cool, but sometime the light were to bright.
In the USA, there were many animals out the door, but we can't saw it in China.



Hello, I'm Jerry. Today I'm going to talk about the Talent Show. I think it's very nice to have this show. Students can show themselves in the show. They must be very happy when they're finished their work successfully.
The audience enjoys beautiful music and wonderful shows, they will also be happy. I also perform in the show. Though I'm very nervous, I've done good job and I received a great many applause. Thank you.

Xuanyu Gong:


I'm Xuanyu Gong from team 10. Today I will talk about the Maths Camp in TCNJ. I like the Relay round because it's interesting. I think it's a new kind of questions to me. We need to work together, if anyone has wrong answers, we will have the wrong answer at last. I learnt a lot about Math in the lectures. I like the lesson about secret code for I know how to tell my friends secret words!
I like this tournament very much. I think the food here is good and I would rather hamburgers and pizzas than rice. I also like my counselors because they are very kind and funny. I also like the room. The environment here is very nice. There are a great number of animals. I think this tournament will be better and better, so here's my suggestion: we should be able to control the air conditioner in rooms so that it won't be too cold inside. That's all about my speech. Thanks for listening!

Emily Wuchen Xue:


I like Team round, because we can work together. I like the lecture about the cat and the rope. I think it is fun to figure, but the very messy rope.
The food very nice, but hamburgers are very dry.
And every thing is maid in China.
My room: It is too cold!
Our counselor are very nice kind and funny and they took us to the ice cream (Mosam is very kind) (Juan funny).

Xinyi Zhang:


I'm one member of team 10, I'm Xinyi Zhang. I like the Relay round why 1. And I like least of the team work round why 2. I like the Rubix's cube one, I think my concerler (team 10) is the best. Juan is funny.
My room is terribly cold, I get up once at 1:00 P.M. because the Al was too cold, hope you can change it.
And there aren't many difference between US and China, the food is even better! I hope you can keep it.
Why 1: because it's the round every one in my group is paying attention on it, although we only get one round correct, but, it's the only round I think everyone is paying attention.
Why 2: Because almost half of us are not, doing the questions only five or six of us are solving the questions, they have eleven, one people per question, have to do tae, I had to do twice of the other.

Memco Chen:


Hello everybody, my name is Memco Chen. I'm going to talk about the food here. I been here for 1 year in 2016, I love America food, America food has lots of fat, like Butter, ham, chicken ...... but, was delicious. The drinks are so great, I love ice water, so I love the drinks. We love to take ice tea to liseng the lectures.
At last, I have some suggestion:
1. Some vegetable in hamburgers.
2. Less oil in foods.
3. Have some Chinese food.