Final Presentation: Gray 队

Gray 队:季临海,杨浩然,周靖洋,袁美琪,陈千里,吕尚恺,刘昕麒,赵星儿,胡鑫源,朱奕兴,江宇萱

France & Clark:


My favorite lecture is Cryptography, my least favorite is Game Theory. I like Cryptography because I can communicate with friends through pass words.

Joe & Robert:


All the counselor in the summer camp is brilliant, most of them are funny, extremely the counselor of the 2nd team, whose laugh make us laugh every time. Some other counselors are handsome, such as Mr. Zach, he usually listen to same cool music. Other counselors have some specialization, such as Ms. Emily. One of my teammates said that Ms. Emily usually eat when we are having a lecture.



Team work is how we work with each other. You can use this skill anywhere in our lifes. Using this opportunity to discuss with our team members has deepened our friendships. We work very well together. We taste fun in this and was glad to work with each other. So Team work goes the first in our team.

Amber Meiqi Yuan:


Least favorite: Speed test. Because I'm worried about not, finishing the questions in time, and I'm also trying not to write the answers in the wrong box because the spaces between the questions are really small. But I know that doing the speed test does me good and can practice my critical thinking.

Vicky & Cindy:


Today we will talk about titles .
Vicky: Cindy, what is your favorite food?
Cindy: My favorite food is mashed potato, what's your favorite food?
Vicky: My favorite food is french fries.
Cindy: What's your thought about dorm?
Vicky: I like dorm, because in dorm I can talk to my friends and they are friendly. What you like in your dorm?
Cindy: I like my friends too but I more like my bed.

Qianli Chen & Yixing Zhu:


Hello, everyone. I'm Kenny. I'm Teddy. Today we're going to talk about the similarities and differences between Chinese summer camps and American summer camps. Firstly, all the students have a chance to win the awards. And there're students from different cities. Secondly, American summer camps' students communicate in English. And American meals have a lot of meat and cheese. Thirdly, in America, everybody has a personal room, but in China, many people sleep in a single room. And American summer camps are more international. But usually, Chinese summer camps don't have foreign attendees. That's all. Thanks everyone.