Final Presentation: Tan 队

Tan 队:王昊诚,吴佳珉,張碩,李心怡,袁勖超,梁亦为,吴语凡



Hello, my name is Bob, I'm from team 10.
My favorite competition is team round, because with teammate like gods, you don't need to do anything, one of my teammate sleep the whole time, you only need to pretend to be working hard, but actually, relaxing. That was joking, but you can really learn a lot from this competition, first you can learn from your teammates, because just like Chinese old people said, you can always learn from people around you, and through the process of team competing, you can improve your cooperation skills, social skills, and try to deal with different kinds of people.
My least favorite competition is speed round, because you need to do the questions very quickly, but just like a famous philosopher said:"don't rush, or you are gonna miss enjoyable things in life." Therefore, I cannot enjoy the beauty of Math, in speed round, since you cannot calm down and amalyze the question carefully, and cannot appreciate the inner elements that makes math attractive.

Honestly, the dorms were much better than the ones we had last year, which were extremely small and did not have bathrooms in the rooms. I quite like my roommate, he's quite nice, but we only had two lights in our room: the one in the bathroom and one of our lamps on table, since the bigger one was broken. You cannot stay in the bathroom for the whole time right? So the first thing that I do with my roommate when we go back to the dorms is to fight for the only light, this the thing that should be improved.
Generally, I had a great time in the math league, I met great people here, including my friends and counselors, I enjoyed different kinds of lecture and competitions, thanks.

Shuo Zhang:


Hello! My name is Zhang. I'm from Team Ten. I stayed here seven days. A lot of people are better than me, but that's not the biggest problem. The biggest problem I think the food here still to be improved. In four races. My favorite is relay, because people who are good at math and they can carry me. I hate speed round because no one can carry me. I think the biggest different between China and America is food. There are many kinds of food in China, American food is simple, like pizza and chips, but I love it. In the last days, I've been suffering from set lag, sleep in class, sleep in the bus, sleep everywhere, so my friends call me sleep god.
After all, I know I have a lot to learn and make friends with people. Luke, Bob, ...... and team ten's everyone.

Luke Xuchao Yuan:


Hello, my name is Luke Yuan, and I'm from the 10th team. During the 7 days in the camp, we learned lot in mathematics and had a wonderful time. My favorite tournament is the relay round, because it really awesome to know that own team got the might answer. I don't like the individual round because I have made some had mistakes. All the lectures were awesome, and I like the rovver game lecture and the game lecture. They are really interesting and funny. The like here were very comfortable. The food here were good and I love the cheeseburger and the pizza. I don't really like the dorm because there were the light on the ailing. The field trip were very interesting, they gave us time to relay from the rtreeaee of the tournament. Our team were very awesome, we had a great time together.
They are all smart and fun.
Like thanks to our counselors who here kind and helpful and we love them very much.
After all, this camp was really awesome and I had the best week here.

Fiona Yufan Wu:


Hi. My name is fiona. I am from team ten.
I am going to talk about dorm the Eickhoff hall and similarities and differences between China and America.
Dorm here is good. I make a lot of friend there we play there, chat there. We all have fun. But, the room is too dark. Wish can improve on this. And, first is the similarities. China and America both develop there technology very fast. They are both strong countries. Don't they? And the difference, Chinese and American have different culture. So their education are different. In China, student remember things to get good score. In America, students have their own opinion.
After coming here, I learn a lot, Even though I don't have award. I learn not only on math, but also communicating to other, I become more confident. At last, I need to say thank you to my counselor. They teach me a lot.



Hello, my name is Christina. I'm from team 10. I'm gonna talking about the Similarities & Difference between US and China. And also share my improvement during this summer camp.
First, US and China's technology both develop quickly and they're both big country on the world.
The difference between China & US are a lot! For example, food, language and culture. But I think the most important & obvious difference must be the ways that people think about education.
First of all, the primary goal of two countries are completely different.
Chinese primary education to children's intellectual development, child benefits as a high priority goal.
But, in the United States, there is only one primary purpose: to cultivate children's creativity. They pays more attention to raise student's self-confidence.
Second, I'm gonna share my improvement for these days. So...
I think I should feel lucky for coming here, because I growth a lots.
Actually, when I saw the people that's mach smarler than me, I feel a little bit of nervous, and there's too much questions than I haven't learned appear on my tast paper.
I had doubts about my ability of mathematics at sometimes.
But now, I think I identify myself and clearly know what I what.
What I want, is not to get the medal or to show off my talent; what I want was nothing more than, make some good friends during the summer camp; The most important things is that, I go beyond oneself. I'm being more confident, strong optimistic and positive.
I believe, somewhere, must be a platform that waiting for me, and all I need to do now is nothing more than move on.
Thank you very much, this is the end of my presentation.



Hello, my name is Bonnie, and I'm from team 10.
When I first came here, I was impressed that how big the Eickhoff hall is. And there are so many choices! There are many different kinds of food. Within traditional American style, and also other kinds of food. Although the food was always hamburgers or potatoes, and we're all bored, though there won't be any milk left sometimes. I still think it's one of my favorite part in the campus and it took my favorite time. Just sitting there with my friends chatting are all enjoyable times. And finding new kinds of food to eat will be my happiest memory here that I'll always remember.
After my meal it's probably the time to go back to my room. But when I finally took my heavy luggage to the door after thousands of years. I was a bit mad, actually annoyed, because of the stuck tolet with water dropping all the time, with a window will never open with the lights in the bathroom was off. It didn't seem like a perfect way to welcome new visitors. But after the room was fixed, I was get used to the small and comfortable room and playing with my roommate. Staying there become the most important part in my time here.