Final Presentation: Copper 队

Copper 队:刘秉鑫,朱和,韩竞瑶,任俊羽,史易可,欧阳赵璐

Bingxin Liu:


Hi, I'm Bill. I'm going to talk the food and room. My favorite food to eat is rice and beef. My least favorite food to eat is egg and cheese. The food in America different from the food in China. Food in America is simple. In China, there are many ways to make food. The rooms are clean and big, also my roommate was nice. I did not like that the room doesn't have. Also the room was too cold.

He Zhu:


Hello, my name is Edison, I will talking about the lectures. As for me, my favorite lecture is Revenge on snub dodecahedron. This lecture perfect mix the Team work, creativity and math calculate. In junior high school, it was hard to find the "mathematic ". In the real life, so, it is wonderful to see how can we use the math to build such a incredible shape. On the other hand, teamwork can improve the relationship between the Chinese student and the student from United State and Canada. That all I want to say. Thank you.

Jack Junyu Ren:


Least favorite: relay competition
The favorite: team round
I think it's the worst, because it needs only 5 minutes to get the full marks, I think it's not fair. I think it's the best, because I think it's a way to unite the team. And you needn't have some time to look up a dictionary.
The competition is different from China, I'm happy that this experience can bring me a relaxing feelings of math, because somebody who is good at English can help you.

Jingyao Han:


I'm going to talk about the difference between China and America.
Firstly, normally in China we're got 4 people in each dorm and always used the double decker. But in America that's different. There's two people in each dorm and each people got a sigle bed.
Secondly, the time in America is 12 hours behind Chinese time. So that's difficult to adapt American time.
Then I think people here has more cheerful personality.
People here they will smile and say hi to the strangers. But normally in China there's really less people do that.
Finally, both American student and Chinese student all do math. That's why "Math League" invite American, Canada, Chinese students here, having the competition together. And I enjoy a lot.

Lyndsey Zhaolu Ouyang:


Fun Stuffs
It has been 10 days from the first day we came. We spent 240 happy hours together and some parts impressed me a lot. From first days introduction games to last day's Princeton University trip. The Museum Trip was the most fun. There is a lzey during our visiting, and it's electric. I remember I tricked Bill to touch it, and his face looked really funny! We also built a dome structure together, and we eat together. As long as we are together time is happy.

Yike Shi:


Topic: Friend
(1) During the competition, we have formed team to compete with others, so it is necessary to have a good relationship with my teammates. Actually, I'm lucky to have those nice teammates we were respected to each other and also learned different culture from others.
(2) For me, the counselors are also the good friends. They were take care of us, help us and also played with us a lot. For example, the name game is a simple game, but we really enjoyed it and it also helped us to have a closer relationship with each other.
(3) All the Chinese students in my group are the good friends, which we helped each other in team round competition and also chat about the interesting things during the break.
(4) There is also a memorable time with the foreign students, we taught them the traditional Chinese game and also the simple Chinese words. Even the time is limited, we were both happy all the times.
(5) The outcome of the competition is important, but it is more important to contact with different races of people, to broaden my horizon and made lots of good friends at there.