Final Presentation: Purple 队

Purple 队:杨瀚,Hanming Kevin Zeng,丛含笑,张南琋,卢贤通,余晓天,陈胤戎,王梓墨

Carl Hanxiao Cong:


Hello. Our lectures are colourful. This gives us an improvement in our thinking. The lectures were educational but also fun. The teachers brought us knowledge in their language. It attracts me. I benefited a lot. We also learned how to solve problems in different ways. This give us a better performance in the relay and team rounds. I hope to join in this kind of group activity again. It expand my mind and improve my abilities. I like this significant and unforgettable lecture. Thank you.



I will talking about what I think about the dorms.
First, I'm going to talk about the benefits of the dorms. I think the dorms is better than any other dorms in the summer camp that I have been. There is a dest with a desk limp. It's really convenient to writing and reading at night. The bed is comfortable, too.
Second, I'll make a few comments about the room. In my room, there is always stink in bathroom. And there are no overhead light in the room, so it is difficult to find a things at night.
This is everything I want to say, Thank you.

Xiantong Lu:


Our dorms are the places where we spent most time in. Even though the activities we had in degker social space are fun and fabulous, our live in the dorms are still unforgettable and funny. Most of us had foreigners as our roommates. We practised our English by communicating with them. Also, we usually visit others dorms when we had spare time. We played games, chat and sometimes made fun of others. Those really were unforgettable times. Actually many funny once were made by us when we were in our dorms. One of our groupmates woke up about midnight and intended to go to the bathroom. But unfortunately, he stepped on his suitcase and fell down to the floor when he stood up because the room was too dark for him to see what was under his feet. And one of our groupmates overslept so he missed the breakfast and was gust walking out of his dorm when the first lecture began. His absence made our counselors quite worried. Fortunately it was just a oversleep. Those things embarrassing or funny, annoying or satisfying, will always be kept. In our memory with the dim light in our dorms, the chilly AC, the annoying music to wake us up in the morning and many other things that happened in our dorm.



Princeton university is one of the eight ivy league schools in Princeton, New Jersey. Christian light Presbyterian church in New Jersey in 1746. Elizabeth town founded the school, is formed in the colonial fourth in the United States institute of higher education was called "the New Jersey institute". 1747 moved to New Jersey. 1756 moved to the scenic city of Princeton, and in 1896 officially charged its name to "Princeton university". My favorite building is that church, the church's style is gothic, the statue on the pillar is really neat and beautiful. The museum is very interesting, too. We saw a lot of scientific machine. It's very cool.

Nanxi Zhang:


Food about TCNJ Math League Summer Camp. I think the food here is very delicious. What I like the most is the salad. Because there's a lot of sauce selections and vegetables. The breakfast is very good too.
Best thing about the breakfast is the waffles, I think. It is sweet and smells really good. The chicken for dinner is good, too. It is a bit emmm... spicy??? The thing that the school dining hall that need to improve is, that for the big meals, there's only one choice. I think there should be a lot of choices, but it just not open.
And the last thing is, I think here should have (a little bit) of Chinese dishes, cuz we will be bored about the pasta.

Kevin Zeng:


Difference between USA and China:
More freedom:
Say anything you want about anyone.
Larger houses to live in.
Less ones was underground base.
More people has cat.
Higher a verage wage.
More airports.
Talk more about what you see like buildings vs frees, etc.

Zimo Wang:


Our counselor is Comfort and Sherly. They are very funny, they said jokes to us, played game with us. When we had any problems, they asked us and solve with their knowledge. When we happy, they were happy, when we sad, they encouraged us. Sometimes, they take us to eat ice-cream and pizza. But they are a little bit lazy. Sometimes they woke up late. However, they are friendly and caring us. If I write about everything they did to us in these days, they are difficult because it's a lots. So last, I want to thank Sherly and Comfort, thanks!

Steven Yinrong Chen:


Overall experience
How did you like your teammates
How did it feel to get first place with your team.
It's an interesting things to have this special experience. We did many things and know many things, such as how to help others and be patient. I like my teammates because they usually be very patient and have many solution to use. It feels really good when I first get to the first place. As for us get know each other and help each other, we felt unusual in there, because it is really big and in China, we usually listen to class in some classroom and it can only let us to star tightly with our desk, it is even smaller than the classroom we have our individual test, and we also feel good when we gets to museum, we know many more things we know about space, about train, about Earth and many more. We see a interesting video and know more about the ocean, also learn more about from the stars far away to the star near that we can see them. We know very more in this camp, I feel delighted here.