Final Presentation: Red 队

Red 队:李昊玉,李魏佳宜,朱克白,刘豫,刘甜甜,田霆琛,景鑫怡,马扬洋,蒋梓煊

Yangyang Ma:


Favorite competition
Our favorite competition is the individual round because we only have 10 questions total. They are all not very hard and we have enough time for each question. We finished every question without leaving any blank. Most of us got the score that we were satisfied with. We can know our score right after we finished each question which won't let us feel nervous after the test.

Kelvin Liu:


Least favorite competition
Our least favorite competition is the speed round, because there are too many questions, and there isn't much time, some of us didn't finish it, it's so difficult.

Kebai Zhu:


Hi, I'm Mike, I'm going to talk about our favorite lecture. Our favorite lecture is the Mountain Climbing question. We begin with a experiment it says a rope is tie on two peg and a cat is on it, if one peg drop, the cat will fall in to water. We need to find out the ways to tie it. It's really interesting. Someone was ever falling until this class. Everyone in our team joined the work just like playing games. We were so exciting that we argued with others about who will do first. And teacher is funny and great. We like him very much.

Zixuan Jiang:


Lecture (least favorite)
What fraction between 2/3 and 5/8 has the lease possible denominator?
1. the voice (bad).
i. sometimes small even ting. (not clear). (jet lag). makes us want to sleep (kind of sleepy).
ii. sometimes strong even noisy. shock us let sleeping people wake up a process of awake, sleep and wake again.
iii. can't hear clearly.

2. kind of good
i. things mentioned: interesting, important.
ii. gny: kind, helpful.
conclusion: The knowledge which the lecture is great. But the voice of teacher can't make us really understood the whole process. All in all, it's just ok.

Jiayi Liwe:


Q: Food
A: Yummy, good
Because we can choose our food and drinks ourselves. There are many regions like: Salad, Staple food, Drink, Bread and so on. There are also a lot of sauce and we choose our favorite types of seats and tables.

Tingchen Tian:


I think it's not very good. It is dark in the room! There is only two table lamp in my room and one of them was broken! That it's nearly broken, too. When I use it, it always become a water column and fail on the floor. But not it used to be.
Although it is big and there are only two people in it.



Optimistic -- They always feeling happy even when I didn't get member.
Responsible enthusiastic -- When I got to this camp, out of the counselors lead me into my room and touch me the functions of lights and so on.
Today, I got to talk about the counselors who take care of us. I think they are beyond description, just kidding. They are optimistic, in my opinion. They always energetic. When I got to this camp, counselors lead me into my room and teach me how to use the lights and so on. In this way we can know that they are enthusiastic and responsible.
Let talk about interesting thing: one of the counselors hair is to coiling and explosive, and lead to one of the students can't see the board while this counselor is sitting in front of he.

Haoyu Li:


Hello everyone, I am Haoyu Li. Today I will talk about the similarities between China school and the Us school.
First, China and the Us are large modern country with rapid economic development.
Second, both the school home try complete education system. The system of life is similar, such as the dorm and uniform. Then we have the regular exams to check our study achievement. And the class faces all the students, also we have the randomly assigned classes, in the harmonious learning atmosphere. That's all. Thank you!

Xinyi Jing:


The difference between China and America is that America's air is thrasher them China's, and the street is clean them China's. After we finished eating food, we must go to clean the table by ourselves in America. But in China, the waiter will help us clean the table.